Oncogrants II: Fighting cancer locally and globally

The Polish League Against Cancer announces the opening of the call for applications for the 2nd edition of the Oncogrants competition, which seeks new expert and educational projects, not previously funded by other institutions, creatively referring to the Strategy Against Cancer in Poland 2015-2024 [www.walkazrakiem.pl].

The fight against cancer is a challenge that goes far beyond the field of medicine and health care, combining issues from other fields of knowledge - from economics, law, psychology or sociology to bioethics. The general problems of prevention, treatment and improvement of the quality of life of cancer patients have their own local references. Therefore, the main theme of the second edition of the Competition is the perception of the fight against cancer in its broadest sense, encompassing prevention, the organisation of the health care system and social education and support for patients during and after treatment, in its local dimension.

In the second edition, the best projects will be selected in two categories:

  • Cancer policy: original proposals for changes in the health care system that can improve the availability and quality of oncology care in Poland.
  • Education in the fight against cancer: educational programmes and action projects to increase interest in primary prevention and to stimulate public awareness in the area of oncological health.

The deadline for submission of projects is 31 January 2018. The results of the 2nd edition of the Competition will be announced by 30 March 2018. More at: http://www.ligawalkizrakiem.pl/aktualnosci/265-onkogranty-ii-walka-z-rakiem-lokalnie-i-global no

Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.