To the rescue - night and Christmas healthcare

Night and Christmas healthcare is primary care services provided Monday to Friday from 6pm to 8am the following day and 24 hours a day on public holidays.

In the event of a sudden illness or a sudden deterioration in health, a patient can go to any night and holiday care centre for help, regardless of where they live and which primary care doctor/nurse (PCP) they have registered with.

The doctor on duty provides advice:

  • in an outpatient setting,
  • in the patient's home (in medically justified cases),
  • by telephone.

A doctor and nurse can be used at night, on days off and on holidays:

  • sudden illness;
  • sudden deterioration of health when there are no symptoms suggesting an imminent threat to life or significant damage to health and the home remedies or over-the-counter medicines used have not brought the expected improvement;
  • when there is concern that waiting for a clinic to open may significantly adversely affect health.

Night and Christmas healthcare in the Provincial Branches of the NFZ - list of establishments - can be found in the link:


Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.