Modern Senior. Health and Lifestyle

On Saturday, the 10th of February, an educational campaign was launched by The Point publishing house, aimed at Senior Citizens. Invited Experts spoke to the press about what a modern Senior is like and what health problems they most often face. 

  • "Today's senior citizen is increasingly a person who is aware of how much depends on herself, in terms of quality of life and her future." -said Prof. Dr. Katarzyna Wieczorowska-Tobis, Chairman of the Board of the Polish Gerontological Society. You can read about what the ageing process is and what we can do to keep fit for many years to come at page 2.
  • Is sharp vision possible in old age? Cataracts and modern possibilities of vision correction were discussed by dr. Hanna Bednarzak-Bulak, MD, from MAVIT Medical Centre, talked about cataracts and modern possibilities of correcting vision defects. page 3.
  • Healthy nutrition is the most important element in disease prevention. Agnieszka Jarosz, MD, PhD, from the Institute of Food and Nutrition, told us what a correctly composed diet for seniors should look like. Page 4.
  • What is cholesterol and what is its importance in terms of the fitness of our heart - on the subject of optimal dietary choices, detailed information was provided by Prof. Piotr Jankowski, MD, of the Institute of Cardiology. page 5.
  • In Poland, according to the EuroTrak 2016 study, as many as 6 million people are struggling with hearing loss. What consequences hearing loss can lead to and what we can do to hear better, you can read on Page 6.
  • Today's Senior Citizen is a person who is often affected by loneliness. Joanna Mielczarek, Director Little Brothers of the Poor Association introduced us to the problem of loneliness among the elderly and told us about the activities of the Association, which supports senior citizens on a daily basis. page 7.
  • Igor Grzesiak, Member of the Board of the Institute for Patients' Rights and Health Education, spoke about the challenges facing health institutions and approaches to treatment of older people in the coming years. page 7.
  • Deficiencies in the elderly can pose a serious risk. What should Seniors pay attention to in their daily supplementation? Which deficiencies pose the greatest health risk? - she told the page 8. Halina Pilonis, editor of the Medonet portal.

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