#MaybeBaby - women with psoriasis can plan for motherhood too

They are young, usually between the ages of 18 and 45, when the characteristic unpleasant lesions appear on their skin. Despite having a chronic, inflammatory disease that unfortunately still often stigmatises them, women with psoriasis want to live the same life as their healthy peers. They are professionally and socially active, realise themselves as partners, wives, and when the time is right for them - they want to be mothers. A key question then arises - can they safely plan a pregnancy despite treatment? One in four women with psoriasis give up treatment after deciding to have a baby[1]. However, this does not have to be the case - with the guidance of a dermatologist and gynaecologist, they can plan a pregnancy and choose the right treatment, taking into account the benefits and risks for mother and baby. Hence, a frank discussion with the treating physician is very important. Information on the compatibility of psoriasis and motherhood is provided by scientific societies based on current medical knowledge and clinical practice.


Psoriasis is a non-infectious, one of the most common chronic inflammatory diseases with a genetic and autoimmune basis. It affects more than 125 million people worldwide, with around 1 million in Poland. More than half of the cases involve women. The average age of psoriasis patients is 28 years - so they are at the point where they are planning a pregnancy - now or in a few years. Almost every decision about motherhood is accompanied by many questions and doubts. Many answers to these questions can be found on the website: www.maybebaby.info

We also invite you to view campaign spot

#MaybeBaby is an initiative delivered as part of the educational campaign , 'Planning a New Life', to support women who may feel lost after being diagnosed with psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis. The intention of the campaign is to encourage people with psoriasis to talk openly with their GP about parenting. At the heart of the campaign is the belief that, according to current medical knowledge, women with psoriasis can plan for motherhood, which does not mean having to give up treatment.

Find out more at www.maybebaby.info


[1] Data from the survey 'Parenting and procreation in the context of psoriasis', carried out by AMICUS Psoriasis and Psoriasis Foundation as part of the 'Plan a New Life' campaign.

Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.