Letter to the guardian

The third edition of the educational campaign "Medical nutrition - Your meals in the fight against illness" initiated by Nutricia Medical, of which we are a partner, is starting. This year, together we want to draw the public's attention to the role of caregivers - children, spouses, parents, relatives who take care of a sick person on a daily basis, their struggles, but also their strength and perseverance. We invite you to take part in the campaign "Letter to the Guardian" and watch a spot featuring people who have experienced a serious illness - cancer or neurological disease - in their lives: Jerzy Stuhr, Joanna Zielewska, Tomasz Ciepły. They appeared in the spot with their loved ones, who have been an invaluable support to them during their fight for recovery. The campaign is also supported by Rev. Dr Arkadiusz Nowak of the Institute for Patients' Rights and Health Education.

The aim of the campaign is to symbolically thank carers for their support, proximity and vigilance over thousands of daily issues, such as proper nutrition, physical comfort or well-being. We want words of gratitude to reach them. That is why we would like to inspire you to join the campaign - to write a symbolic letter of thanks. Details of the campaign and the terms and conditions can be found at www.listdoopiekuna.pl  

Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.