Let's find the Angels and thank them!

Let's thank the 'Angels' - The second edition of the Best Midwife competition is underway!  

For years, the Birth by Humanity Foundation has been taking a close look at the situation in delivery rooms and the working conditions of midwives. Their professionalism in caring for women and newborns is evident. Especially in this extremely difficult time of a pandemic. 

It was out of gratitude to midwives for their hard work, tender support and professionalism that the Birth by Humanity Foundation launched the second edition of the nationwide Birth by Humanity Angels competition. The aim of the competition is to find those midwives about whom women say "angel" in their memories. Midwives - everyday heroines, making the road to motherhood extraordinary. Those ordinary women with extraordinary strength, who are particularly close to the idea of care and giving birth humanely.

The Foundation encourages women who have met exceptional midwives on their journey to nominate them by voting on www.GdzieRodzic.info, while also appealing to midwives to register in the database. Let women in need of a professional and kind approach find their midwives! After all, it is often the midwife, especially in times of pandemonium, when women are sometimes deprived of the support of a loved one, who determines how a woman remembers the birth and the first moments together with her newborn child.

The first stage of the competition is open to women - users of the Gdzie Rodzić Info portal. From among all the midwives taking part in the plebiscite, they choose those who, in their opinion, deserve to be distinguished, and they can justify their choice with an additional comment describing the qualities of their "angel" candidate. Votes are being collected until 15.10.2021.

The second stage is the work of the Chapter, which, on the basis of these opinions, selects two midwives from each region of Poland - one working in hospital and the other in the community with women.

The inauguration of the competition was preceded by a meeting of the Chapter consisting of 10 exceptional women: Justyna Dąbrowska, Magda Mołek, Agnieszka Lisiecka,, Ewa Wietrak, Elżbieta Cherezińska, Anna Małek, Dorota Karkowska, Alicja Kost, Lara Gessler and Joanna Pietrusiewicz.  

The results of the Chapter's deliberations will be announced in the second half of November 2021. More about the chapter and the competition at https://gdzierodzic.info/anioly-rodzic-po-ludzku-2021/.

We invite you to read the press release:

Press release Angels RpR



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