In response to increasingly pressing health challenges, among which is the need identified by the World Health Organisation to tackle serious infectious respiratory diseases, the establishment of the ALLIANCE FOR THE FIGHT AGAINST INFECTIOUS SYSTEMIC DISEASES RESPIRATORY. POLAND BREATHES HEALTHY. [PZO SOJUSZ]. The initiative, which will aim to develop systemic solutions and educate the public, was set up by patient organisations working in the field of health care and chronic diseases.

The purpose of establishing Allianceu For the fight against infectious systemic diseases Respiratory. Healthy Breathing Poland. [PZO SOJUSZ] is to address the health problem of increasing incidence of infectious respiratory diseases and to identify long-term priority strategic solutions that should be taken in the short term to counter these life-threatening diseases.

The intention of SOJUSZU PZO  will be to identify long-term systemic solutions aimed at avoiding unnecessary morbidity, reducing the proportion of people hospitalised due to respiratory infectious diseases (which could be avoided) and implementing effective disease prevention especially in high-risk groups, which include people with chronic diseases such as diabetes, asthma, COPD, cancer and heart disease. The activities of the PZO Alliance are also intended to raise awareness of respiratory infectious diseases among the general public through information and education activities.

The initiators of the PZO Alliance are NGOs representing patients with chronic diseases: Institute for Patients' Rights and Health Education, Polish Diabetes Association, Federation of Amazons Associations, National Association of Patients with Heart and Vascular Diseases EcoSerce, Polish Federation of Associations of Asthma and Allergic Diseases and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases.

Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.