K.I.D.S Foundation implements first Patient Application to Children's Health Centre

The Children's Health Centre Patient App was created to help the youngest patients and their parents - especially those preparing for their first visit to the Children's Health Centre. Safe navigation to the hospital and a guide to the building, an information essential or an intuitive patient profile - these are some of the solutions that are now within the reach of our smartphone. Thanks to the support of the partners and volunteers of the K.I.D.S. Foundation, i.e. the Children's Hospital Innovators Club, every patient of the "Pomnik-Centrum for Children's Health" Institute will now be able to use the app and all its functions free of charge.

The starting point for the K.I.D.S. Foundation was to understand the perspective of families with sick children and the biggest challenges they face. To this end, research was carried out in cooperation with the research company Kantar, which showed the real needs of CZD patients and their caregivers. The research team, led by Piotr Ciąćka and Beata Rąbińska, conducted interviews and observations on the premises of the Children's Health Centre. The information collected allowed us to understand what challenges fathers and mothers coming from all over Poland to visit the Children's Health Centre face, and to adapt the solutions in the app to all their needs.

After research with carers and concept sessions, the functions that the app integrates were selected:

  • The app created a navigation system that cooperates with the 'metro line' graphic system recently created in CZD buildings, which allows for efficient movement around the facility. In addition, QR codes have appeared throughout the CZD, which, when scanned with the app, will guide the carer and the young patient to their destination. Several 'metro' lines have been marked throughout the hospital, which will lead patients to the appropriate building. The app also includes a detailed map of the entire building, with the most important elements highlighted and a legend - which will allow you to find your way around the facility during each visit.
  • A guide that will help you find your way at every stage of your visit - from signing up for a specific specialist, to getting there and visiting the clinic. The app will help and suggest how to prepare for your trip, what to take and what not to forget. It also provides valuable tips that are crucial during a hospital stay.
  • The ability to manage your patient account. In the app, it is possible to save appointments and keep information about treatment in hospital in one place, as well as to cancel appointments for consultations. Information from universal calendars and notepads often gets lost over time and is needed again at the next appointment. In the app, the data will be secure and long-lasting, so every patient will be able to view their appointment history and current information at any time. Thanks to the ability to cancel appointments in advance using a smartphone, the hospital will be able to use the appointment immediately to admit the next patient.
  • "Compendium" of knowledge so that the patient will be able to check the meaning of many words used in the hospital. In this way, the patient will not be in doubt as to what the various terms used by doctors and nurses in their daily work mean.
  • Direct contact information for the CZD and information about the doctors working at the Institute. This allows carers to get to know more about the specialist who will be treating their child.

 – The Children's Hospital Innovators Club is a foundation that aims to improve paediatrics departments and the work of children's hospitals through new technologies. The first edition of the app is a step towards what is the future of healthcare service for children and their caregivers. The solution will help patients, but also doctors, nurses and staff in these facilities, so they can focus on treating young patients - comments Paweł Stężycki, project leader, K.I.D.S. Foundation volunteer, Children's Hospital Innovators Club

The app is already available for free for all Android-based devices in the Google Play Store, and will soon also be launched in the App Store. The project was made possible thanks to the support of the research company Kantar, K2 Agency responsible for the graphic design and Vimanet, which programmed the app.

The Patient App, introduced by the K.I.D.S. Foundation, is a very important and necessary solution that will certainly help our patients and improve the work of the entire hospital. Patients come to the Children's Health Centre from all over the country, for whom such a journey is often a very big challenge. The solutions introduced in the app will not only help them get to the hospital, but also move around efficiently. What is more, the appointment function will relieve some of the burden on medical staff. This is another important telemedicine function that will be introduced to our hospital thanks to the K.I.D.S. Foundation. - says Dr Marek Migdał, Director of the Institute "Pomnik - Centrum Zdrowia Dziecka".



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