Registration is now open for the 4th Sexon Conference - on sexuality and parenting for people with physical disabilities.

The 4th Sexon Conference - about sexuality and parenting for people with physical disabilities organised by the Avalon Foundation as part of the activities of the Sexon Project will take place on 15-16.10.2022 at the Służewski House of Culture in Warsaw. This year's theme will be The Body and Carnality.

The event, as every year, is organised stationary and online. Registration is required for the stationary event - https://www.sekson.pl/konferencja/edycja-2022/formularz/, and the online broadcast will be available to everyone, on the Facebook page of the Sexon Project and the Avalon Foundation, on the Avalon Foundation's YouTube and on the www.sekson.pl.

We encourage you to read the press release:

Press release

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