"Conscious Patient" educational campaign

Another edition of the campaign has been launched "The Conscious Patient" aimed at making patients aware that they are a vital link in the whole therapeutic process - their knowledge, involvement and responsibility matter.

The highly educational message was ensured through the support of patients and prominent authorities from the respective therapeutic areas, who addressed the topic from the prevention, diagnosis and treatment side. The articles are available on the portal www.pacjentilekarz.pl

The Polish Cancer Society has taken over the patronage of the campaign - Prof Piotr Rutkowski in his introductory article emphasises the importance of access to comprehensive molecular testing.

The cover features Paulina Sykut-Jezyna, who shares with readers her recipe for a healthy and happy life.



Coronary heart disease, often manifested by angina pain, affects 4.2 per cent of the population in Poland. This means that 1.6 million people suffer from it in our country. Unfortunately, this percentage is higher than the average in the European Union, where ischaemic heart disease affects 3.5 per cent of citizens.

Substantive support on this topic was provided by:

  • Prof. dr hab. n. med. Agnieszka Kapłon-Cieślicka


Cancer treatment does not have to be carried out exclusively in a hospital setting. So-called 'home chemotherapy' has been financed from the National Health Fund for several years.

Substantive support on this topic was provided by:

  • Prof. dr hab. n. med. Lucjan Wyrwicz


Ensuring rapid access to genetic testing - and therefore to modern treatment options - are challenges faced by patients with progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis. Meanwhile, from the onset of symptoms, every day counts for the patient.

Substantive support on this topic was provided by:

  • Dr. Piotr Czubkowski, MD


The most effective weapon against tick-borne encephalitis is our immune system. We can help it prepare for exposure to the virus through vaccination.

Substantive support on this topic was provided by:

  • Prof. dr hab. n. med. Joanna Maria Zajkowska


The most effective protection against influenza and its dangerous complications is annual vaccination.

Older people in particular should undergo it, as they are particularly at risk of severe illness, hospitalisation and death. This season, a new high-dose flu vaccine will be available for people 60+, with very high efficacy in this age group.

Substantive support on this topic was provided by:

  • Prof. Dr. med. Adam Antczak


Elevated cholesterol levels increase the risk of developing

atherosclerosis and its complications: heart attack, stroke and other potentially fatal diseases. These can be prevented with a proper diet, rich in, among other things, plant sterols and stanols, through which hypercholesterolaemia can be both prevented and treated.

Substantive support on this topic was provided by:

  • Prof. dr hab. n. med. Piotr Jankowski


Molecular diagnostics is one of the most important innovations in oncology, opening up new possibilities for cancer patients. Thanks to advanced genetic analysis techniques, doctors can diagnose cancers more accurately, monitor disease progression and improve therapies.

Substantive support on this topic was provided by:

  • Prof. dr hab. n. med. Piotr Rutkowski


Pancreatic diseases, diabetes, PCOS or hypertension - many conditions produce no symptoms for a long time or only symptoms that do not raise much suspicion. The same is true for bladder cancer. One of the most characteristic symptoms is hematuria. It may stop after some time, so people often underestimate it. However, early detection of bladder cancer offers a chance of recovery.

Substantive support on this topic was provided by:

  • Szymon Chrostowski, President of the Winning Health Foundation


The diagnosis of an oncological disease is a completely new situation for the person suffering from the disease, as well as for their loved ones, which is a challenge for everyone. Relatives are a great support during treatment, but communication difficulties are often also a source of stress. Therefore, it is worth working on developing your communication skills.

Substantive support on this topic was provided by:

  • Magda Knefel, Polish Amazons Social Movement Association

The editors recommend reading all the articles that are part of the 'Conscious Patient' campaign, available on the portal www.pacjentilekarz.pl

Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.