"The Conscious Patient" - education campaign

Another edition of the campaign has been launched "The Conscious Patient" aimed at making patients aware that they are a vital link in the whole therapeutic process - their knowledge, involvement and responsibility matter.

The highly educational message was ensured through the support of patients and prominent authorities from the respective therapeutic areas, who addressed the topic from the prevention, diagnosis and treatment side. The articles are available on the portal www.pacjentilekarz.pl

The Polish Oncology Society has assumed the patronage of the campaign - in the introductory article, Prof Piotr Rutkowski and Prof Adam Maciejczyk emphasise the importance of the National Oncology Network, which was established with patients in mind.

Igor Grzesiak, vice-president of the Institute for Patients' Rights and Health Education, in his statement emphasises how important it is to have reliable information, consistent health communication and understandable arguments based on proven medical data.

The cover features Oliwia and Jarosław Bieniuk, who share their experiences in the context of the essence of emotional, psychological support towards people struggling with cancer and their families.




Studies show that up to 30 per cent of the population is affected by symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, but only 10-25 per cent of sufferers seek medical help. The first relief of symptoms can already come from following the pharmacist's recommendations, which in this condition should include: lifestyle changes and drug treatment.

Substantive support on this topic was provided by:

  • Pharmacy technician Joanna Potocka


Migraine is an extremely troublesome condition. If it is chronic, the headache makes sufferers miserable for more than half of the days in a month. We often forget that there is a preventive treatment for it.

Substantive support on this topic was provided by:

  • Dr Katarzyna Kępczyńska, Department of Neurology WLS Warsaw Medical University Bielański Hospital in Warsaw


DBoth macronutrients and micronutrients, i.e. major elements and trace elements, are essential for the body to function properly. Although some of these are not needed in large quantities, a cascade of various health problems begins as a result of a deficiency of any one element. We should pay particular attention to potassium and iron.

Substantive support on this topic was provided by:

  • Dr. Marcin Barylski, FESC Department of Internal Medicine and Cardiac Rehabilitation of the Medical University of Lodz, University Clinical Hospital of the Military Academy of Medicine - Central Veterans Hospital


Whigh blood uric acid concentrations, exceeding 6 mg/dl in healthy women and 7 mg/dl in healthy men, increase cardiovascular risk. The first step to maintaining health is to determine uric acid concentrations, followed by treatment and lifestyle modification.

Substantive support on this topic was provided by:

  • Prof. dr hab. n. med. Artur Mamcarz, Head of the Department of Internal Medicine and Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Warsaw Medical University


Hipokalaemia, or a reduced concentration of potassium in the blood, can cause a number of ailments. First and foremost, it is a key ion for the proper functioning of muscle cells - potassium deficiency therefore causes general weakness and reduced muscle strength.

Substantive support on this topic was provided by:

  • Dr n. med. Marcin Wełnicki, specialist in internal medicine, clinical pharmacologist, deputy head of the 1st Internal Medicine Clinical Ward of the MSS in Warsaw, assistant professor at the 3rd Department of Internal Medicine and Cardiology of the WUL, president-elect of the Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy PTK


It is a chronic malignancy belonging to the so-called myeloproliferative neoplasms and rare diseases. It is a serious disease that can lead to an unfavourable outcome.

Substantive support on this topic was provided by:

  • Prof. dr hab. n. med. Tomasz Sacha, Head of Department, Jagiellonian University Medical College
  • Małgorzata Figarska, patient


Chors with urticaria pigmentosa even go from specialist to specialist for several years, because the Making a correct diagnosis is difficult and requires a lot of experience. Often, symptoms from other organs, e.g. the presence of an enlarged spleen, allow the diagnosis to be targeted and appropriate treatment to be instituted.

Substantive support on this topic was provided by:

  • Prof. Dr. Grzegorz Helbig, Head of Department of Haematology and Bone Marrow Transplantation, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland


Initially, there are skin lesions resembling allergic diseases, psoriasis or AD. Sometimes it takes multiple biopsies to make the diagnosis - cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. This process can take up to several years.

Substantive support on this topic was provided by:

  • Dr Agnieszka Giza, Department of Haematology, Jagiellonian University Medical College


In Poland, more than 100 000 people die each year from cancer. For many of them, the chance for a longer life would be targeted therapies. Although such treatment is standard in our country for many cancers, there are still too many patients who do not have the chance to receive it. The situation could be improved by greater access to genetic testing and a lack of awareness that it can and should be done.   

Substantive support on this topic was provided by:

  • Dr Andrzej Tysarowski, MD, Head of the Department of Genetic and Molecular Cancer Diagnostics of the National Cancer Institute in Warsaw
  • Anna Kupiecka, President of the OncoCafe Foundation Together Better

The editors recommend reading all the articles that are part of the 'Conscious Patient' campaign, available on the portal www.pacjentilekarz.pl

Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.