The biggest walk for health will take place on 29 September in ten cities in Poland. At high noon, a 30-minute health walk and an attempt to break the Polish Record in simultaneous walking will take place simultaneously in 10 cities in Poland. "Walk for health - invite your doctor". This year's second edition of the event will cover as many as 10 cities - Ciechocinek, Chrzanów, Kraśnik, Malbork, Oświęcim, Sandomierz, Skierniewice, Sopot, Świerklaniec and Żyrardów. Movement is important for health. The World Health Organisation (WHO) alerts that a sedentary lifestyle is already the fourth cause of death worldwide. Meanwhile, regular physical activity extends life and reduces the risk of many chronic diseases. Just 30 minutes of walking each day can extend life by 3.5 years. That is why today, the role of physical activity in the process of daily regeneration, health care and even in the process of recovery is increasingly emphasised   Walking is man's best medicine. A huge role in improving health outcomes is played by daily walking. Research shows that as little as 30 minutes of walking each day reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and breast cancer. Walking is also good for the joints, without causing injury like running, for example, and is also restorative, improving concentration, creativity and sleep quality. In addition, daily exercise improves mood and increases the body's resistance to disease, thus extending life. This was noted as early as 2,400 years ago by Hippocrates, who uttered the famous maxim: "Walking is man's best medicine".   "Walk for health- invite your doctor".. The project carried out by the Pearl Wellness Club is intended to draw attention to the simplest possible way of taking care of your health. "With this project, we want to get the message out to the whole population that movement comes in many varieties, starting with 30 minutes of walking a day. Just 30 minutes a day is enough to improve your health. We want patients with this knowledge to be able to go to their GPs and ask about the type of exercise that is best for them. By doing so, we hope to accelerate change and raise public awareness of the impact of exercise on health.-. says Anna Plucik-Mrożek, MD, organiser Walking is a natural activity for people, which they do every day. Neither equipment nor special preparation is needed for this, only comfortable shoes. Walking is good for the whole organism, which should be borne in mind by healthy people who want to strengthen their organisms prophylactically, as well as sick people, for whom recreational movement is an important part of becoming fit and healthy.  10 cities and a Polish Record. This year, for the first time, the walk will take place in 10 cities Ciechocinek, Chrzanów, Kraśnik, Malbork, Oświęcim, Sandomierz, Skierniewice, Sopot, Świerklańce, Żyrardów -. and its participants will attempt to break the Polish Record in simultaneous walking. The programme of the event includes Nordic Walking workshops, workshops for pregnant women and Healthy Spine workshops, as well as relaxation exercises. The event will culminate in a 30-minute walk through the streets of . A guide for doctors. As part of this year's campaign, the organisers have also developed a unique guide for doctors to help qualify patients for the right type of physical activity. The publication includes information on the type of physical activity and its impact on conditions such as diabetes or heart disease, as well as for pregnant women or the elderly, among others. The material also includes a prescription template that the doctor can use when recommending appropriate physical activity. The 'Walk for health - invite your doctor' campaign is organised by the Pearl Wellness Fitness Club. The project is funded by the National Health Programme 2016-2020.     WALK FOR HEALTH - INVITE YOUR DOCTOR   WHEN: 29 September 2018, 12.00 pm WHERE: Ciechocinek, Chrzanów, Kraśnik, Malbork, Oświęcim, Sandomierz, Skierniewice, Sopot, Świerklaniec, Żyrardów. REGISTRATION: FANPAGE:

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