"How to live healthily? - A Senior's Guide" - invitation to a series of lectures

The Jerzy Maj Institute of Pharmacology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow invites seniors to a series of popular science lectures entitled "How to live healthily? - A Senior's Guide".

Lectures are held periodically on Tuesdays at 2 p.m. in the Kościuszko Inn, which is a branch of the Białoprądnicki Manor House and is located at 3 Białoprądnicka Street in Krakow.

As part of this project, lectures will be given by researchers from the Jerzy Maj Institute of Pharmacology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow and clinicians employed at the SP ZOZ MSWiA hospital in Krakow.

The aim of the project "How to live healthily? - A Senior Citizen's Guide" is to disseminate knowledge about diseases of civilisation (with particular emphasis on diseases of the elderly) such as diabetes, Parkinson's disease, dementia, high blood pressure, depression, etc. By participating in this series of lectures, senior citizens will be able to learn about the causes of diseases, which symptoms to pay special attention to, how to prevent diseases and how to minimise the effects of diseases and improve their quality of life. Each lecture will be followed by a discussion, during which Seniors will be able to ask questions directly to the speakers on topics or concerns that bother them. The activation of this social group, improved awareness of the dangers of civilisation and the emphasis on health-promoting behaviour will help Seniors to live to a ripe old age in good health, which is of considerable significance not only to the Seniors themselves, but also to their families and carers.

The project is funded by the Ministry of Education and Science as part of the programme Social Responsibility of Science - Popularisation of Science and Promotion of Sport.

Upcoming lectures:

10 January 2023 - Dr. Joanna Wierońska IF PAN "Through the stomach to the brain - how diet can aid memory and concentration".

24 January 2023 - Magdalena Białoń IF PAN "The role of vitamin D3 in the human body".

7 February 2023; cardiologist Dr Michal Zabojszcz, M.D., "Healthy heart for seniors

21 February 2023; geriatrician Dr Krzysztof Czarnobilski, MD, ".Medical determinants of active seniors

March 7, 2023; orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Mateusz Gąciarz, "Falls and injuries in seniors

21 March 2023; diabetologist doctor lek. Zofia Nakonieczna - Nitka, ".Diabetes as an epidemic of the 21st century

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