Chmielowiec: Patient safety will be better protected

The patient will now have a real choice as to whether he or she wants to use the quick and simple out-of-court pathway located at the Patients' Ombudsman or the long and expensive court pathway.

We have been waiting for such a change for years, with the draft law on quality in healthcare and patient safety finally seeing the light of day. However, legislation must still be followed by measures to change attitudes and build a culture of openness in the medical community, says Bartłomiej Chmielowiec, Patient Ombudsman. 

For more information, see the link below:,509811.html?fbclid=IwAR33asZ08QQd1JxaritlCHMaXQVhBkYhqzg-jocuBl1fJKW3TYpyTJNOLAE

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