The guide 'What you need to know. Patients' rights" available online

We invite you to read our latest patient rights guide.

The guide is also available as an online download at

"Patient education on patient rights is one of the key elements in the process of improving the standard of healthcare services. The better informed the patient is, the more willing they will be to work with medical staff, establishing a partnership relationship based on mutual respect and trust."

Igor Grzesiak
Board member of the Institute for Patients' Rights and Health Education



The guide "What you need to know. Patients' rights"

Collaboration: Polish Society of Clinical Oncology
Prepared by: mec. Paulina Kieszkowska-Knapik, mec. Barbara Trabszys, Kieszkowska Rutkowska Kolasiński Kancelaria Prawna sp. j.
Consultation: Prof. Dr. med. Maciej Krzakowski




Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.