A guide for multiple sclerosis patients

Found out you have multiple sclerosis? A guide has been produced to help you understand, treat and live with the disease.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is mostly diagnosed in young adults, much more often in women. They find out about the disease when they are developing or planning their careers, when they are making life plans, including for family and motherhood. Uncertainty and anxiety then arise. If you are in this situation, this guide will be a great support for you. You will find answers to many of the questions that arise in the first days after diagnosis. This knowledge will help you face your illness.

What you will learn from the guide

Among other things, you will find information in the guide:

  • what is multiple sclerosis
  • which symptoms are most common
  • what are the possibilities for systemic medical care and wider assistance
  • what are the treatment options for drug programmes
  • what medicines are used to treat
  • what rules to follow to prevent the progression of the disease
  • How to live with MS.

How to find an MS treatment facility

There are more than 120 centres operating MS drug programmes in Poland. For a list of centres running multiple sclerosis treatment programmes and approximate waiting times for starting treatment, see Guide to treatment dates . In the "What benefit are you looking for" field, type:

  • "treatment of multiple sclerosis" - if you are looking for a frontline programme
  • "treatment of multiple sclerosis after failure of therapy with first-line drugs or rapidly developing severe multiple sclerosis or primary progressive multiple sclerosis" - if you are looking for a second-line programme.

Who is the author of the guide

The guide was produced in cooperation between the National Health Fund and Multiple Sclerosis Foundation.info under Patients' Organisations Forum.

Download guide Multiple sclerosis - A patient's guide.

Read the report on MS

The Ministry of Health, the National Health Fund and the eHealth Centre have prepared a report on multiple sclerosis. It has been created on the basis of the data that healthcare providers submit to the National Health Fund as part of their reports. It contains information on:

  • the number of patients
  • incidence of disease
  • the number of benefit recipients and their type
  • reimbursement amounts for MS treatment services, including drug programmes and therapeutic rehabilitation
  • pharmacy reimbursement amounts for medicines that are used to treat multiple sclerosis.

Read the National Health Service report. Multiple sclerosis.

Source: patient.gov.pl

Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.