Grzegorz Juszczyk: Education key in the fight against HCV and HBV

A conversation with Grzegorz Juszczyk, Director of the National Institute of Public Health, on the 'Liver doesn't hurt' campaign, a programme to prevent liver cancer through early detection of chronic HBV and HCV infections in adult Poles.

  • The 'Liver doesn't hurt' campaign will run until April 2023. It aims to raise awareness among Poles about the dangers of HBV and HCV infections.
  • Approximately 70 PCPs are participating in the programme. Patients can get tested for infection with these viruses as well as hepatitis B and C at these facilities.
  • More than 300 patients have been screened so far, Director Juszczyk hopes that this number will increase significantly once the pandemic is over and in-patient appointments, rather than teleportation, will once again dominate.
  • The director emphasised the role of education and prevention of HBV and HCV infections.




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