European HIV Testing Week

In Poland, every day at least 3 people find out that they are infected with HIV!

On 22 November, the European HIV Testing Week and with it education and information activities National AIDS Centre. Actor Maciej Musiał will take part, and the idea is to encourage Poles to test themselves for HIV infection.

1 275 is the number of infections detected in 2018 in Poland. According to the National Institute of Public Health - National Institute of Hygiene, the number of newly detected infections exceeds 1,000 in our country every year. Since the implementation of testing, i.e. from the mid-1980s until 30 April 2019, 24 303 HIV infections were detected, AIDS was diagnosed in 3 692 people and 1 418 deaths were recorded. Every day in Poland, an average of 3 people find out about their infection. The vast majority of infections occur through sexual contact.

Despite this, according to estimates, at most every 10th adult in Poland has taken an HIV test. This is much less than in other European countries. Even several thousand people may be living with the virus in our country without being aware of it. Meanwhile, the test is very simple and hassle-free. In the 30 Consultation and Diagnostic Centres (CPCs) co-funded by the National AIDS Centre, an agenda of the Minister of Health, qualified counsellors await people wishing to take the test. In addition to the test, they also give an educational talk. They can explain, advise and cool down emotions. There are PCCs in all provinces. Their list is available at

"HIV can affect anyone regardless of gender, age, orientation or lifestyle. Unfortunately, many people deny this fact and do not take the test. It is worthwhile for every adult who has had risky behaviour at least once in their life to do it. In the network of Consultation and Diagnostic Centres (CTCs), this examination can be done without a referral, free of charge and anonymously. The result is obtained very quickly. I strongly encourage you to take advantage of PKD. Not only during the European HIV Testing Week, but all year round. Such a test can save more than one life, or even two lives if the test is carried out by a pregnant woman". - said Anna Marzec-Bogusławska, director of the National AIDS Centre.

Thanks to the Health Policy Programme of the Minister of Health, the Polish system of care for infected people is considered exemplary. Benefiting from an effective therapy, which is free of charge for the patient, it is possible to live with HIV for many years. What is more, according to the results of recent studies, achieving an undetectable level of the virus in the blood, by regularly taking medication prescribed by a specialist, can result in a person not infecting their partner or partner.

If anyone has doubts or questions, related to HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases, they can call at HIV/AIDS Helpline toll-free number: 800 888 448. Until the end of December, the telephone will be working around the clock. Professional consultants will answer all questions and direct you to the appropriate specialist or test.

The educational and informational activities of the National AIDS Centre follow on from the previous years' action entitled: "I have time to talk". This year, on Instagram and Facebook, the well-known actor Maciej Musiał will encourage people to test themselves and take care of their own and their loved ones' health. Spots featuring, among others, Maria Seweryn will be shown on television, in cinemas, on the underground, at railway stations and on the largest Polish Internet portals. Radio Kolor has also joined the campaign. A source of reliable knowledge about HIV/AIDS is the website of the National AIDS Centre


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