PSOlife education and support project launched

PSO - psoriasis - from the Latin psoriasis, a term used worldwide to refer to a non-infectious, inflammatory disease whose consequences are not only related to the skin, the inflammation has a negative impact on the entire body. Cardiovascular disease, psoriatic arthritis, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypothyroidism and depression are just some of the entities that co-occur with psoriasis.

Life - English life. Full name of the project PSOlife means "living with psoriasis", which is a chronic disease and, if you 'tame' it, you can live a full life with it.


Here are some of the many principles:

  • Firstly, you need to be aware of the consequences that psoriasis can bring,
  • secondly, by treating psoriasis appropriately for the patient's condition, it is possible not only to control external symptoms but also to reduce systemic effects,
  • thirdly, regular diagnostic tests for co-morbidities must be carried out in order to start treating them in good time,
  • fourthly, a person with psoriasis who has support will find it easier to manage the disease optimally.


During the conference 'PSOlife. Psoriasis and co-morbidities', held in Warsaw last October, participants very often pointed out the lack of knowledge and awareness of certain phenomena related to psoriasis. Hence the concept of nationwide educational and support activities:


PSOlife Academy - Educational webinars are initiated by Dr. med. Irena Walecka, Regional Consultant in Dermatology and Venereology, Head of the Department of Dermatology, CMKP and Dagmara Samselska - President of AMICUS Psoriasis and Psoriasis Foundation with the support of one of the largest nationwide networks of diagnostic laboratories ALAB Laboratories.

Due to distance, sick people are often unable to attend conferences. The webinar format makes it easier to take advantage of the educational content at the appointed time, and it also makes it possible to ask questions of the speaker and get answers during the broadcast.

Distinguished experts in various medical fields also related to psoriasis were invited to join the project:

  • Prof. Dr. med. Wojciech Bik, endocrinologist and internist, Deputy Director for Didactic and Scientific Affairs at the Medical Centre for Postgraduate Education in Warsaw,
  • Prof. nadzw. dr. hab. Brygida Kwiatkowska, rheumatologist, Deputy Director of the National Institute of Geriatrics Rheumatology and Rehabilitation for Clinical Affairs,
  • ALAB Laboratoria expert, who will talk about diagnostic tests in psoriasis and Psoriasis (also genetic), as well as basic principles regarding testing.

The guest speaker for the first webinar will be Dr. med. Irena Waleckawho will talk about, among other things, psoriasis treatment options, prevention and other important issues related to the disease. She will also answer questions from participants. The meeting will take place 14 February at 7pm. To take part, please register at and follow the instructions. Then log on to the meeting page provided during registration by the deadline.

Information on forthcoming webinars PSOlife Academy will soon be posted on the Facebook pages of the AMICUS Foundation and ALAB Laboratoria and on the


PSOlife. Living with psoriasis - One of the most common complaints accompanying psoriasis is depressed mood, withdrawal and lack of will to live, and even depression. Workshops with a psychologist Agnieszka Bartczak will allow you to look at your illness from a different perspective, how to deal with negative emotions caused by your illness and how to effectively relax your body and mind. The meetings will take place in several cities across Poland - the 16 February in Warsaw, 23 February in Gdansk, and later in Krakow, Poznan, Wroclaw, Lodz and Katowice. Current workshop dates, venues and topics are available on


The website also features spots - interviews with the heroines Anna Otok and Anna Hajnrych who suffer from psoriasis. The heroines encourage people to seek psychological support in psoriasis, but not only.

This is what Agnieszka Bartczak, psychologist, says about the importance of psychological support in psoriasis:

The PSOlife project is coordinated and implemented by the AMICUS Psoriasis and Psoriasis Foundation, with patronage provided by the Union of Psoriasis and Psoriasis Associations.

(information provided by AMICUS Psoriasis and Psoriasis Foundation)

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