In response to increased concern among diabetics about SARS-Cov2 virus infection and a growing number of questions about the current epidemiological situation, the Society for Diabetes Education (SED) has launched a dedicated 'Diabetofon' helpline.

Every day from 18:00 to 20:00 you can have a telephone conversation with experienced diabetes educators and receive expert advice. Questions can also be asked by emailing ced.polska@wp.pl and https://www.facebook.com/SED.Stowarzyszenie.Edukacji.Diabetologicznej/

To date, almost 100 people have benefited from the Diabetofon. Of greatest interest, diabetics are concerned about issues related to the interpretation of glucose results, and for pregnant people, a daily challenge is the inconsistency of information given to them on the subject of standards in the diagnosis of diabetes in pregnancy. There are a great many questions about what if a person with diabetes presented to hospital, and about emergency management, such as a drop in home glucose levels or a sudden rise or fall in blood pressure. 

The SED collects recurring questions on an ongoing basis and responds on its FB profile in the form of ready-made educational material to be listened to or printed and used. The association ensures that no one is left without support.

"'Education is our horse' - with this slogan, we have entered into educational activities in 2020. Among the ranks of the SED are diabetes educators with many years of experience working with people with diabetes and their families. We share our knowledge, but only on one condition, which we always say: "pass it on"... contact other people with diabetes, support and motivate them. If unanswered questions arise, here we are!", says Beata Stepanow - President of SED.

The Association for Diabetes Education is one of the partners of the national educational campaign 'Living Longer with Diabetes'.


(Source: Diabetes Education Association )

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