Creative oncospace

On behalf of the organiser of the Creative Oncospace project, we are happy to announce that the action continues this year. The virtual exhibition is now accompanying the prestigious multi-sectoral and interdisciplinary medical event, the 5th Health Challenges Congress, which is being implemented online. In the situation faced by oncology patients and their relatives due to the pandemic, this is of particular importance, as the Creative Oncospace brings a great deal of psychological support and reduction of stress associated with the disease. The plight of the pandemic requiring restrictions and maintaining rules of social isolation precludes participation in large public events.

We would like to invite you to visit a virtual exhibition of artworks made by patients as part of the Oncopace Creative project:

The exhibition can be viewed on the website of the 5th Health Challenges Congress, under the PARTNERS tab, under the logotype Creativity and Documentation Foundation

and here the exhibition in its classic version:

Ahead of us is the August plein air painting conducted by the painter Stefan Żuchowski, combined with a therapeutic Musical Drawing workshop by the excellent music therapist Dr Elżbieta Galińska and mindfulness meditations by Dr Jolanta Berezowska.

On 12 September we have planned a major film and workshop event II Warsaw Encounters - Film Oncopospace, addressed to patients and their relatives, as well as to medical therapists and doctors and representatives of non-governmental organisations and volunteers.

These events and exhibitions are organised by the project's author Maria Poszwińska and the Creativity and Documentation Foundation. The project is subsidised by the Programme for the Development of Civic Initiatives of the National Institute of Freedom - Centre for the Development of Civil Society. Our partners are: Health Market, the Institute for Patients' Rights, the Polish Coalition of Oncology Patients, the Federation of Amazon Associations, Sarcoma and Polilko, zwrotnikraka and other web portals dedicated to health and oncology. The Marshall of the Mazovian Voivodeship has assumed honorary patronage of the project.

project demo


project fanpage

FB group


Can art, music, dance, creative activities and activities in the broadest sense help with treatment? The workshops held and dozens of conversations with patients during and after treatment, as well as with their relatives, show that yes. Numerous positive examples show that it is possible to function well with cancer. One can dance, sing, paint, travel, laugh and have fun despite the illness. Creativity, self-realisation, travel, new friendships, dreams and hope for a fulfilled life in a situation such as an illness take on a special meaning. An active attitude can support us in difficult times, help us return to normality, give us hope for the future and open up to the world.

The main idea of the project is to popularise art therapy and stress-reducing methods in communities affected by cancer as a powerful, positive stimulus to improve the mental and physical health and quality of life of people coping with cancer.

Creative Oncospace inspires an active and creative attitude in various areas of life, we point out the healing role of art therapy, creativity and self-development through various forms of activities. We promote healthy, creative attitudes towards the illness that give support, restore hope and the will to live, so that cancer is not associated with death, fear, loneliness and withdrawal from social activity. We point to the healing role of art, an active and optimistic attitude towards the illness, helping to return to normality with hope for the future. As part of health promotion and protection, we want to disseminate the idea of therapeutic self-help in situations of stress and trauma, such as cancer, to patients, their relatives and to the medical and therapeutic community through the films we have already produced. Patients, their relatives, doctors and therapists actively participate in our innovative film experiment.

On the website you can see, in addition to photo galleries of the workshops held, more than 150 videos: reports from the workshops and interviews with participants/patients, doctors, therapists and consultants. This year there will be further film material: interviews with patients and therapists, workshop reports and a half-hour documentary about Jadzia Jurgielska, who was diagnosed with cancer three years ago and whose recovery is a beautiful and extremely valuable inspiration for people in a similar situation. It is worth presenting photos and stories of people who have managed to recover from the disease, presenting examples of good coping with the illness and positive changes brought about by the disease, because there are many such examples. A new oncological situation makes it necessary to discover and learn oneself anew. To build your new identity. To return to a normal life, to work, to travel, to spend time with family and friends. Every attempt to maintain normality, to meet up with friends, work colleagues - every distraction from the illness or treatment has a therapeutic effect. Undoubtedly, there is a need for initiatives that show that with cancer, it is possible to live a creative and interesting life. A healthy perspective on the illness will certainly be very helpful.

Foundation for Creativity and Documentation is a foundation, mainly with a film profile. Its members, and at the same time its founders, are privately involved in art, culture, contemporary and traditional music, music therapy, and, due to Maria Poszwińska's personal experience of oncology, also psycho-oncology. We want to combine these fields: film, artistic activities and health. We are planning a series of art therapy activities and accompanying documentaries for oncology patients and their families.

 The aim of the Foundation is:

  • documenting valuable socio-cultural and artistic phenomena and interesting personalities,
  • initiating and supporting artistic and socio-cultural projects,
  • artistic productions primarily in the fields of visual arts and film,
  • educational projects - popularisation of art and culture,
  • cultural animation, cultural initiatives,
  • actions for the benefit of people with disabilities,
  • preventive health care.



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