Barrier Free 2024 competition - call for entries until 20 September

These are the last days to enter the Man Without Barriers 2024 competition!

Applications for the Man Without Barriers competition are still only open until 20 September. This is a competition which for 22 years has rewarded exceptional people with disabilities who are role models and inspirations for others.

The 'Barrier Free Man' competition has been organised by the Friends of Integration Association since 2003. In the 21 editions to date, almost 120 exceptional people with disabilities have been awarded, whose social activity and commitment are a role model for others and a motivation to overcome barriers in everyday life. The competition promotes and rewards people who, irrespective of the type of disability, share an active attitude to life - they are entrepreneurial, take their fate into their own hands, strive to fulfil their dreams, develop professionally and socially, and actively help others. 

The jury will select from among the 20 semi-finalists: "Barrier Free Man 2024"two joint honourable mentions, winner of the award "Young Man Without Barriers 2024"which will be awarded to a person aged between 14 and 20 years and for the first time in the history of the "Seniors without barriers" competition for a person over 65 years of age. Readers of the portal and the Integracja magazine will select the winners in an online poll, as they do every year. Audience Awards and "Internet personality. This year's winners will be announced at a gala ceremony at the Royal Castle on 3 December 2024. 

How to enter the competition?

Candidates may apply themselves or may be proposed by natural or legal persons and organisations with legal personality.

The deadline for submissions is 23.59 on 20 September 2024!

More information in Competition Rules

Application documents available at competition website.

If you have any further questions, please contact the organiser on 22 831 85 82, 22 530 65 70 .

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