Caring for the heart is an investment in a long life

The National Health Fund has allocated in 2019 for services provided due to cischaemic heart disease (CHNS) of nearly PLN 2 billion, 58 per cent of which is the cost of treating acute coronary syndromes.

There were 1.2 million services provided to adults due to IHD in 2019. According to the Insitute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, approximately 1.6 million people (4.2 per cent of the population) suffer from IHD in Poland.

The onset of ischaemic heart disease is influenced by a number of modifiable risk factors, such as hypertension, overweight and obesity, poor diet, diabetes, smoking, alcohol abuse, low physical activity and psychosocial factors.

Can the disease be prevented? How to take care of your heart?

"Prevention of ischaemic heart disease" was the theme of the latest "Wednesday with Prevention" - a cyclical educational action of the National Health Fund.

We recommend a video with a statement by cardiologist - Edyta Anielska-Michalak, MD, from the Cardiology Department of the MSWiA Hospital in Białystok:

Audio version:

Educational materials prepared as part of the 'Wednesday with Prevention' campaign are available free of charge at:

Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.