CAMPAIGN YOU HAVE A CHOICE. Women's Roundtable - "Polish women versus breast cancer - awareness, support, decisions."

On 20 September, on the eve of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an interdisciplinary women's debate entitled: "Polish women versus breast cancer - awareness, support, decisions" was held at the Polonia Theatre. The meeting, was held as part of the inauguration of the social campaign "You have a choice" in the form of the Women's Roundtable. Its aim was to give a voice to women based on their experiences as patients, doctors, carers, employers, friends or people close to women with breast cancer.

The following accepted the invitation to discuss Krystyna Janda (actress), Dr. n. m. Agnieszka Jagiełło-Gruszweld, MD, PhD, Joanna Streb, Barbara Dziuk (Chairwoman of the Health Committee for Oncology), Katarzyna Miller (psychologist) Krystyna Wechmann (Federation of Amazon Associations), Anna Hancka-Zyser (Spa for Cancer), Agnieszka Sztyler-Turovsky (Onet), Aleksandra Kurowska (CowZdrowiu), Joanna Matuszewska (Radio Gdańsk), Marta Lech-Maciejewska (influencer).



The debate was divided into 3 parts. In the first - each speaker gave a 2 minute speach entitled. "When I think breast cancer ..." then there were 2 rounds of discussion - the first focused on prevention and health care issues, the second on systemic challenges and access to modern therapies, as well as the needs of women with advanced breast cancer.

The meeting was held as part of the 'You Have a Choice' campaign, which was set up on the initiative of patient organisations dealing with the problems of women with breast cancer: Federationand Amazon Associations, Spa for Cancer Foundation and Pfizer. It aims to educate women with breast cancer and their families, as well as the general public, about treatment choices for breast cancer and care during and after their illness.

The protagonists of the campaign and the resulting SPOTU are three inspiring women who have walked the road with cancer. Agata, Dorota who are struggling with hormone-dependent, HER2-negative breast cancer and Dagmara, who developed triple-negative breast cancer. The women, who are involved on a daily basis with the Olsztyn Spa for Cancer Foundation, by talking about their experience with cancer, want to motivate other women to actively participate in the treatment process, as well as to encourage preventive action. The campaign includes a website which provides information on the disease, as well as advice and guidance on the prevention and treatment of hormone-dependent breast cancer.



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We encourage you to read the press release:

YOU HAVE A CHOICE_press release_20.09.2021

Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.