Beautiful because healthy

On 21 January 2017, the National Social Campaign "Beautiful because Healthy", initiated by the National Organisation Flower of Womanhood, was launched for the eighth time. The aim of the campaign is to increase women's awareness of preventive gynaecological examinations.

This year's campaign involved well-known and well-loved celebrities: Katarzyna Żak, Anita Sokołowska, Paulina Chruściel, Anna Kalczyńska as well as Ida Karpinska, President and founder of the national organisation Flower of Womanhood.

The photo shoot for the campaign's promotional materials featured Andrzej Nowakowski, MD - specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology and gynaecological oncology. He draws attention to the cytological brush, essential for a correct gynaecological examination.

This year's campaign slogan 'Drop in for a gynaecological check-up' is a reference to the concept of a car check-up. Since we take care of our safety by doing an annual check-up, we should also take care of ourselves and our lives.

The celebrities involved in this year's launch unanimously confirm that in the multitude of daily tasks, it is obligatory for every conscious woman to find five minutes once a year for a gynaecological examination.


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