Be SMart - a guide to moving quickly through the health system from symptoms to multiple sclerosis diagnosis

Recently, a special information and education brochure has been developed for people who have observed worrying symptoms that may indicate MS. 'Be SMart. A guide to moving quickly through the health system from symptoms to multiple sclerosis diagnosis".

When confronted with unexpected neurological symptoms, people are often helpless to make basic decisions: how to react, what action to take and where to seek help. Lack of knowledge and awareness of the role of rapid response and the benefits of immediate treatment in halting disease progression and disability, leaves the patient feeling helpless and lost in the meanders of the health care system. All of this leads to the patient choosing the worst possible scenario, i.e. not reacting appropriately by ignoring or downplaying the first symptoms of the disease, thus causing further, uncontrolled neurological degeneration.

The publication provides a practical step-by-step guide to guide people with a suspected MS diagnosis through the diagnostic and therapeutic pathway.

Thanks to this publication, which has been compiled in an accessible and clear manner, everyone can find out in detail what action to take and in what order, what tests to perform, and where and with which specialised doctor to make an appointment to confirm or rule out a diagnosis.

The material was prepared by the Institute for Health Communication on behalf of Biogen Poland, and the Polish Multiple Sclerosis Society and the "MS - Fight for Yourself!" Foundation took patronage of the publication.


We encourage you to read the guide, which is available for download on the website:



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