Antibiotic Awareness Week

From 18-24 November 2024, we will celebrate the World Antibiotic Awareness Week, which was established by the World Health Organisation in 2015.

- Poland is at the forefront of antibiotic misuse (7th place among OECD countries).[1]

- Two million people a year die from infections with antibiotic-resistant bacteria worldwide, and by 2050. - if the situation remains unchanged - there will be 10 million deaths a year from it - that's more than from cancer. [2]

Acute pharyngitis and palatal tonsillitis are the most common causes of antibiotic overuse in Poland. [3]

Sore throat is one of the main reasons for overuse of antibiotics*.35% people who have ever used antibiotics to treat an infection with sore throat admit,
That they did so without a doctor's recommendation.[4]

- In as many as 90% patients, the main cause of throat pain is viral infections caused by rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, adenoviruses, influenza viruses and paragrpa viruses, among others; only the remaining 10% are bacterial infections (e.g. Streptococcus pyogenes).[5]

Symptoms associated with a viral infection gradually resolve after 3-4 days, whereas a bacterial infection can last 8-10 days.

- we have tools at the POZ in the form of strep tests to distinguish between viral and bacterial infection.

- the unjustified use of antibiotics and their use not in accordance with recommendations leads to the development of antibiotic resistance.




[4] IPSOS commissioned by Reckitt - Antibiotic resistance - knowledge, understanding and attitudes among Poles, representative sample, June 2022.


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