4 March - World Obesity Day

1.5 hours more per day in front of the screen, 1.8 kg more weight - the balance of a year of two pandemics in Poland.

Some 53% women and 68% men are overweight and 25% Poles are obese. The obesity pandemic has long been talked about, but the coronavirus pandemic we have been facing for the past year has further exposed the dangers of obesity. 4 March is a particularly symbolic date this year, as it was exactly one year ago that the first case of SARS-CoV-2 infection was diagnosed in our country, and at the same time it is World Obesity Day - an opportunity to take stock of a year of two pandemics. In the past year, on average, we spent 1.5 hours more per day in front of a computer or TV screen, and the average weight gain in the entire population was almost 2 kg.

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