14 Oncology run another Once broke the record for cancer patients!

They ran for health for the 14th time!

The Oncology run broke another record for cancer patients.

On 12 September, Sunday, for the fourteenth time, Poles - and not only! - ran in a gesture of solidarity with cancer patients and their families. It was all thanks to the event that the Sarcoma and Sarcoma Association has been organising for 14 years, the "Onkobieg - Together for Health!".

The 2200 registered Onk runners covered a total of 13,356 kilometres which translated into 201,340 zloty! This contributed to breaking the record in terms of kilometres covered together, as well as the funds raised, which the Sarcoma Association will use to support its charges and prevention.

This year's Onkobieg, just like last year's Onkobieg, was organised in uncertain times in terms of safety related to the Covid - 19 pandemic. That is why each participant decided on the route and the distance he or she would cover in 60 minutes. It was important to be active on 12 September between 7 a.m. and 1 p.m. At the same time, in Ursynów, Warsaw, on the premises of the Maria Skłodowska-Curie National Institute of Oncology, at 9.30 a.m., straight from the studio, all the runners were greeted by the hosts: Aleksandra Kurowska, Maciej Orłoś, Kamila Ryciak and Filip Antonowicz. A moment later, the first guests were invited to the stage: Prof. Piotr Rutowski from the National Cancer Institute and Prof. Waldemar Priebe - Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, Department of Experimental Therapeutics, Division of Cancer Medicine, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, together with the event organisers Kamil Dolecki and Szymon Bubiłek from the Sarcoma Association. With this accent, the organisers emphasised the cooperation between Poland and the United States in the development of science, the exchange of experience and the education of doctors.

On the grounds of the National Institute of Oncology, three groups of invited guests in safe teams of 40 ran specifically for the patients in the Institute's wards. In line with the slogan "Together for health", Oncobath runners all over Poland covered kilometres by tagging their photos on Social Media with the hashtag #Onkobieg. "Onkobieg has different meanings. For some, it can mean the next step during treatment on the road to health. For others, however, it is an expression of solidarity with those first to face the disease," - recalled from the Onkobieg studio Szymon Bubiłek, an organiser from the Sarcoma Association.

Straight from the studio in Warsaw, all the talks with invited guests were broadcast, and this year there were many of them indeed. Doctors, specialists in the fields of sport, healthy eating as well as patients and representatives of state institutions. All accepted the organisers' invitations to remind them of preventive healthcare. The invited guests included: Anna Krupka - Secretary of State at the Ministry of Sport; Sławomir Gadomski - Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Health; Katarzyna Kozioł - Director of the Department of Explanatory Proceedings at the Office of the Patient Ombudsman; Prof. Anna Raciborska - Head of the Department of Oncology and Oncological Surgery of Children and Adolescents at the Institute of Mother and Child; prof. Andrzej Rutkowski - Chief Specialist Surgeon of the NIO; Dr. Paweł Koczkodaj - Ambassador of the NIO European Code Against Cancer; Dr. Michał Sutkowski - President of Warsaw Family Doctors, Spokesman of the College of Family Doctors in Poland, Deputy Dean for Development, Faculty of Medicine - Lazarski University.

There have been many take-offs across the country, with generations taking part. Onkobieg is growing every year as a community that cares about health on the one hand and is sensitive to the needs of others on the other. "During the preparations for the 14th edition, we had a lot of phone calls from all over Poland from people who organised themselves around different medical centres as a sign of solidarity with patients," added Ewa Styś from the Sarcoma Association.

The masterful warm-up from the studio in Warsaw was taken care of by sportsman and Onkobug ambassador Michal Derlicki - athlete, film and theatre actor. The band Beyond Relief took care of the spectacular musical background, as well as Julia Prabucka - singer and former patient.

The organisers took care to link up online with selected locations in Poland to give at least some indication of the size and nature of the event. Runners from Polanica Zdrój, led by Marta Manowska, and a large group from Ustroń Morski sent greetings to all Onk runners. The entire coverage from the studio in Warsaw, including links, is available on the channel Sarcoma Association YouTube as well as Facebook Onkobieg.

"Today we ran for the 14th time and we are getting closer and closer to Onkobieg coming of age. Each edition of Onkobieg is slightly different because of the organisation, but they all have the same warm atmosphere, which both pleases and moves. Together for health for patients and prevention," said Kamil Dolecki, president of the Sarcoma Association, organiser of Onkobieg.

The 14th Oncourse had the opportunity to take place thanks to the support and trust of many Partners:

PartnersMinistry of Culture, National Heritage and Sport, Eko Cykl Organizacja Odzysku Opakowań S.A., M&M Consulting, Garden Space Sp. z o.o., Bristol-Myers Squibb, Compensa Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń S.A. Vienna Insurance Group, Pierre-Fabre Dermo-Cosmetique Polska Sp. z o.o., Pierre-Fabre Medicament Polska Sp. z o.o., Sidnet Solutions Sp. z o.o., Sanofi - Aventis Sp. z o.o., RFWW "Rawag" Sp. z o.o., Roche Diagnostics Polska Sp. z o.o., Brand24, Novartis Poland Sp. z o.o., Sport Evolution, Swedish Orphan Biovitrum Sp. z o.o, Only Only, Medicart healthcare Sp. z o.o., FiberyaPrint, Immedica Pharma, LOTOS Foundation, LOOS Centrum Sp. z o.o., Azaf Sp. z o.o., LiveU, Otto Bock Polska Sp. z o.o., Nashi Art., Beyond Relief, ZaniewiczMichniewska, Project Zero Waste Sp. z o.o., Bohema House Ecological Theatre, EuroMed Sp. z o.o., Staropolanka, Future Gate Sp. z o.o.

Mission Partners: National Institute of Oncology Maria Skłodowska-Curie National Research Institute, Institute of Haematology and Transfusiology in Warsaw, Mother and Child Institute, Polish Society of Oncological Surgery, Polish Society of Clinical Oncology, Polish Oncological Society, Polish Psycho-Oncological Society, College of Family Doctors in Poland, Institute for Patient Rights and Health Education, Sarcoma Patients EuroNet, All.Can Poland, Melanoma Academy, ANIKAR Foundation, Polish Coalition of Oncological Patients, Association for Helping GIST Patients, Association of Polish Sign Language Interpreters.

Media Partners: Radio ESKA, Głos Pacjenta Onkologicznego, Co w zdrowiu, haloursynow.pl, Portal onkologiczny zwrotnikraka.pl

The Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sport, the Office of the Patient Ombudsman, and the Mayor of Ursynów District Robert Kempa were Honorary Patrons of the event.

Any questions about the "14th Oncourse - Together for Health!" can be addressed to the organisers.

  • Szymon Bubiłek - Member of the Management Board of the Sarcoma Association

e-mail: szymon.bubilek@sarcoma.pl, tel: 508 147 186


  • Kamil Dolecki - President of the Board of Directors Sarcoma Association

e-mail: kamil.dolecki@sarcoma.pl, tel: 608 335 326


Source: Sarcoma and Melanoma Society; Oncology




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