23 February on National Day against Depression launches The 14th edition of the campaign 'Faces of Depression. I don't judge. I accept. "

One in three employees has clinical symptoms of depression, according to a study conducted by the Faces of Depression Foundation. Stress at work, difficult relationships with superiors, remote work that has taken over home and family life - it is possible to list for a long time the factors that affect the mental state of pandemic Polish employees. The situation is very serious.

As many as 45% of those taking part in the study experience lowered mood and anxiety in relation to their work. One in three has clinical symptoms of depression, while awareness of the illness is declared by only 13% of them. One in two workers experience higher levels of anxiety than before the pandemic, one in three suffer from insomnia and more than 60% workers feel sleep deprived and tired in the morning after waking up. More than one in two are tired for most of the day and have had no energy for at least two weeks (54.9%). What is noteworthy is that as many as 24.7% of them indicated that their lives have lost meaning. This is a very high magnitude of the occurrence of clinical symptoms of depression-especially in the context of being unaware of this illness. These are just a few examples of the disturbing findings of the study entitled. "The mental state of Polish workers in a pandemic", conducted by the Faces of Depression Foundation.

The campaign is organised by Faces of Depression Foundation. Honorary patrons are: National Consultant in Psychiatry, Polish Psychiatric Association i State Forests. Partners include: Nationale-Nederlanden, Servier Polska, Forum Against Depression and cities: Warsaw i Łódź.

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