There are already 2.8 million people in Poland with diabetes, of whom around 1 million do not yet know they have diabetes. So far, diabetes has not been included among the priorities for health care in Poland. One of the biggest killers of humanity and the only non-communicable epidemic recognised by the WHO, which is taking an increasing toll each year, is being ignored. Despite the recommendations of international guidelines, Poland is one of the few countries in Europe without a National Programme for the Treatment and Prevention of Diabetes. There is a lack of systemic preventive measures aimed at the early detection of diabetes, as well as a system for the effective treatment and prevention of complications that lead to severe disability, such as blindness, loss of limbs and kidney disorders.

Diabetes 2025 is a draft long-term strategy for the prevention and treatment of diabetes in Poland, which was created in collaboration with experts, representatives of the scientific and academic communities. It is a ten-year plan of priority actions in the field of diabetes, aimed at reducing the incidence of the disease and improving treatment outcomes and prevention of complications.

The study presents a description of the priority challenges and activities involving the prevention of diabetes in Poland in the next ten years. The proposed solutions are based on international guidelines and other similar studies implemented in other countries. The project also takes into account Polish conditions and proposes solutions tailored to economic, social and cultural conditions.

The project aims to improve population-based diabetes rates by implementing priority actions at three levels: diabetes prevention, improving diabetes outcomes and preventing complications, and supporting people with diabetes in the community.